Welcome to Cople Episcopal Parish!
No matter where you are on your faith journey, you’ll find a warm and friendly community. All are welcome to join us for worship, fellowship and service. Our parishioners are based largely in lower Westmoreland County in Virginia’s Northern Neck and are an eclectic mix of folks who are, in Northern Neck terms, “born-here’s, been-here’s, and come-here’s” – all of which are well represented.
Our Community
Cople Parish is much more than a church. We offer a supportive and inclusive community for all people – we believe that all people are children of God. We strive to be a place where everyone can grow in their faith, serve the broader community, and embody God’s love in the world through our words and actions.
We offer a variety of activities, from Bible Study and Vacation Bible School, to supporting Meals on Wheels and local food banks, to hosting our annual Apple Butter Festival and Blessing of the Fleet service.
Join us for Holy Week and Easter Services
Palm Sunday: SUN APR 13 - 10 AM at Nomini Church
Maundy Thursday: THU APR 17 - 5 PM at Nomini Church
Good Friday Liturgy: FRI APR 18 - 12 PM at Nomini Church
Good Friday Stations of the Cross: FRI APR 18 - 5 PM at Nomini Church
Easter Sunrise: 6:30 AM Great House, Kinsale
9:00 AM St James Church
11:00 AM Yeocomico Church
Vacation Bible School
16-20 June
Celebration - 22 June
More information coming soon!


Contact Us
Mailing address: PO Box 249, Kinsale, VA 22488
Office: 1233 Old Yeocomico Rd, Kinsale, VA 22488, USA